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How we started

   Our story started in the caves of an obscure building (code name B6c), in 2016 February 2. We were called there by a mystical god called engineering agenda. We were all students in chemical engineering at the Liege University, in our third year of learning, and then the call came. We gathered without question and in this obscure room, a mission was given to us. This mission was to create the most delicious, the most powerful drink one could dream of. We accepted the mission, and then it started. First it was difficult, there were many dangers and obstacles in our way, many artefacts to gather, many rituals to perform. We had nothing, we knew nothing about all those mystic things. For this reason, the man we call "the guide" helped us and each one was given a task in order to accomplish our mission. Since this time, we continued to gather every week in the obscure room to see how the mission was going.

   Five groups were created. The first one was the budget management team, whose goal was to coordinate the different groups and manage the resources we had in order to avoid the anarchy and the ruin of the project. The second one was the package and website group,  who had to relate our story to the world thanks to this page and find an appropriate receptacle for our drinks. The third group had to show us the place where drinks were distilled and how it could be managed, they also had to organise a well deserved feast after the realisation of our quest. The fourth group was in charge for the creation of our first drink : the delicious wine. And the fifth group had to create our second drink : the powerful schnapps.

The rest of the story

Then began our quest. All of us were sent to gather information about every part of the rituals we would have to perform. Every week, we shared the information we had gathered, and planned the coming tasks. Week by week, we accumulated the information, we learned how to perform the ritual in order to obtain a good wine, or a great schnapps, we went in search of every artefact we would need, we built defences against the endless army of justice (those you would call... Lawyer !) that would take all our gold and ruin our quest.


During this preparation, we visited a glorious Belgian distillery, where we saw how the alcohol was made in quantities we could never dream about. They also allowed us to get a taste of their products, in order to easily recognise the taste of a great drink.


After a few month, everything began to get in place. The justice inquisitors were sustained, we visited a holy alcohol distillery, we had collected the wanted bottles for our drinks, and we were ready to begin the fermentation and distillation ceremonials.


First was the fermentation, we prepared all the ingredients, and in accordance with our grimory, inserted them in our cauldrons and watched the creation of our wine. This lasted 3 entire weeks during which we relayed each other near the cauldrons to verify the process was getting along proprely. During this time, we kept filling the grimory with all we did and noticed. 


Then, when the wine was ready, we took a part of this new-born drink and blessed it with the distillation rituals. We did it several times to be sure it would become a great drink. You can see on this website how we performed those rituals by looking at the other sections. We had to imprison those new productions and aromas into the collected vessels in waiting for the day we would need them. Soon we will receive the visit of an emissary of the justice, who will ask to see the result of our incantations, I hope he will not see heresy in it, in which case the Justice army will again cause us troubles... 


But now, we have accomplished our quest ! The delicious wine and the powerful schnapps are ready to reveal themselves to the world ! And I see... I see... the day is coming. The day we will finally release the drinks ! I have to leave you here dear reader, because now is the time, and the drinks are calling me... 



We finally presented our products to the world. Every group explained all the issues and dangers it faced and all the solutions it had to find. We were pretty proud of what we did. 
You can download here the slides we made.

Then we started the good part of our project, the degustation. We served some zakouski and our two kinds of wine. We were worried about how would it taste to our guests. The verdict was pretty flattering since it seemed that they were satisfied. Eventually we tried our schnapps and despite the fact that it did not tasted the apple as expected, we were still proud of it. 

Here ends our story. This experience was rally interesting for many reasons. The teamwork, facing some issues in a domain where we were almost left to our own, dealing with the budget, ... 

We all left with new soft skills (and some bottles of alcohol). 

Here you can see some photos taken during the party



Final Presentation

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